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Published Articles by David Balovich

Title: Credit Sales
Published in: Creditworhty News
Date: 11/29/00
I have just come across another tired article written for the "professional credit manager" that discusses the issue of credit vs sales.

How often do we need to be reminded that no company can prosper, or even

survive, today without sales? And yet, how frequently is the fact raised that very few sales would be possible, today, without the availability of credit. Note: I am talking about sales not revenue.

The widely accepted use of credit has caused us to forget that there is not enough money in circulation, at any given time, to support our needs (wants)? For even one day, let alone 365. Without the credit industry, today, our economy along with the rest of the world would collapse.

Credit and sales are no longer separate departments within the organization but have become interdependent on each other to keep the organization prosperous.

I've just completed a credit training program for an organization and once again no one from the sales department was present even though I had encouraged their attendance. Greater understanding would be gained, by both the credit and sales departments, if their personnel were required to attend each others seminars and training sessions. This would allow them to focus on not only policies but also methods of operations especially in dealing with the typical problems that occur on a regular basis and their solutions.

In either case, neither of these participants (sales & credit) would acquire any expertise in the others function but they would acquire an understanding of the other's contribution to the organization and most importantly how to work together to achieve the company's goals and objectives rather than their self serving agendas.

The more we, as credit professionals, encourage others to write and talk

about the adversary relationship between the credit and sales departments, the more we support an adversary relationship between the two. By promoting this belief we allow the adverse feelings to continue.

It should be Credit Sales NOT Credit vs Sales.

I wish you well.

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