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Financial Statement Ratio AnalysisWhen you are analyzing a financial statement, it is best to reduce amount comparisons to percentages or ratios so that you have an easy way to judge those comparisons. And if you compare those ratio results with what you know to be good, fair or bad, you have a way of determining the health of a business. Simply put, ratio analysis is changing amount comparisons to ratios and then comparing those ratios to a known standard. Ratios to Determine Strength & WeaknessesEveryone in the business of analyzing financial statements has a few favorite ratios they utilize when determining the strengths or weaknesses of a specific financial statement. The ratios that are used could change depending upon the industry the business is in, the size of the business, the accounting method that is used by the business and the amount of the credit desired and how healthy the company is. Common RatiosThe following are a list of common ratios, their formulas
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